Contraindications for the Exhila procedure

Ablative cosmetic procedure at the site of the procedure in the last 6 months
Collagen formation disorders and keloid scar formation
Acute inflammations and bacterial and viral diseases and areas with ongoing skin inflammation, open wounds
Febrile conditions
Herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, warts
Allergies to abrasive crystals / aluminum allergy
Rosacea, telangiectasia
Applications in the eye area, breast area or genitals
Cardiac pacemakers and all other body electronic devices and stimulators
Parts of the body with metal implants, such as total hip, knee replacement
Isotretinoin treatment in the last 12 months
Risk of bleeding – bleeding tissues
Uncompensated cardiovascular diseases
Patients undergoing X-ray therapy
Burns at the site of the procedure
Disorders and diseases of the immune system
Sensitivity disorders at the site procedures
Hematopoietic disorders
Consciousness disorders and mental disorders
Pregnancy, puerperium, breastfeeding, or IVF procedure
Severe disorders of peripheral arterial circulation
Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis or suspicion of these diseases
Application of mesonitis
More than 1.5 months have passed since the application of fillers (e.g. hyaluronic acid) or botox, and I consulted my doctor about the suitability of the procedure, who applied the fillers and recommended ultrasound procedures.