Get your dream figure thanks to the device
A comprehensive solution for problematic parts of the body in our salon!
If you desire a firmer figure and quick results without excessive physical strain? WONDER AXON is an ideal choice. This European technology, awarded with many prestigious awards, combines the best of the modern scientific approach to fat burning and muscle building. It focuses specifically on problematic areas such as arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs – front and back.
What do you get?
Visible strengthening and shaping of the figure
WONDER AXON builds muscles and burns fat at the same time, which leads to significant strengthening of the body and reduction of cellulite.
Quick and long-term results
You will see the first results after only three treatments, while optimal and lasting effects will be achieved after a series of ten procedures.
Without restrictions and recovery
After the treatment, you can immediately return to your daily activities, without pain or the need to rest.

Why Wonder Axon?
WONDER AXON offers the most advanced technology on the market, which not only shapes the figure, but also builds muscles and burns fat in the deeper layers of the body. Unlike other methods, it focuses on the actual physiology of the body, not just superficial results.
It is ideal for those who want fast, effective and permanent results without effort, pain and limitation of daily activities.
Easy weight loss of the abdomen, hips and thighs!

Relieve your joints
Do your joints hurt because of excess weight, health limitations or age? Wonder Axon helps you lose weight and strengthen your muscles, so your joints will be less stressed. And the best part is that the procedure is completely effortless! Come to our salon and try it yourself.

I can’t keep up!
Do you have a busy schedule, can’t make it to the gym and carry a workout bag with you? With Wonder Axon, you can do something for your body in just 45 minutes – effortlessly and effectively! You’ll build muscle, burn fat and boost your fitness without having to change your schedule.

Sbohem celulitido a přebytečná kila
Trápí vás celulitida nebo chcete zformovat postavu a zbavit se přebytečných centimetrů? Wonder Axon je revoluční procedura, která účinně spaluje tuk, zpevňuje pokožku a pomáhá viditelně redukovat celulitidu. A to vše bez námahy, během pouhých 45 minut!

Stronger body center and pelvic floor
Do you feel a weakening of the center of the body, problems with the pelvic floor or back? Wonder Axon is ideal for women after childbirth, seniors, athletes after injury and anyone who wants to improve stability and strengthen the body. A strengthened pelvic floor improves posture, prevents incontinence, supports organ function and improves sexual experience and reaching orgasm.

Regeneration for managers and sedentary jobs
Sitting in the office weakens muscles, worsens posture, causes back pain and migraines. Within 45 minutes, Wonder Axon strengthens muscles, improves spine posture, supports blood circulation and improves overall fitness – effortlessly. Ideal for busy professionals.

Stress-free beginnings
Do you want to start a new lifestyle, lose weight and need motivation? Wonder Axon is ideal for beginners! It effectively shapes the figure, burns fat and we also offer advice on diet. Within 45 minutes, you will take the first step towards a better condition and a healthier life. Come to us and start stress-free with professional support!
What awaits you?
In just 25 minutes on the sunbed, you will experience an incredible 60,000 muscle contractions, which corresponds to up to 5 hours of intensive training in the gym. The procedure is comfortable and many of our clients describe it as pleasant and relaxing. The programs are selected according to the individual needs of the client and it is possible to combine them during one procedure. After the treatment, you can immediately return to your normal activities without any restrictions. Wonder Axon targets six active zones of the body: arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs – front and back.
How does Wonder Axon work?
Unlike conventional methods that only work on the surface of the skin, WONDER AXON works with the physiology of the entire body. Thanks to the combination of focused electromagnetic pulses, selective neurostimulation and radiofrequency, it targets the deeper layers of muscles and fat tissue. This means that it not only shapes the body, but also strengthens muscles and reduces fat reserves.
EMS devices vs. WONDER AXON (FMS)
– Advanced FMS technology: Magnetic stimulation penetrates deeper into the muscles, which ensures more effective results than classic electrical impulses. Faster strengthening of muscles, improvement of tone and body shaping.
– Magnetic stimulation is gentler on the nervous system and does not cause discomfort at higher intensity.
– More versatile use, works effectively even without the need for physical activity, while EMS often requires a combination with exercise.
What will be the result?
After just three treatments, you can notice:
Visible fat loss, body strengthening and body shaping, weight loss, cellulite reduction

One-time entry
The first visit for CZK 1,000 allows you to try out our advanced technology and professional services.
Package of 6 entries
When purchasing a package of 6 entries, the price includes nutritional advice and diagnostics of body proportions
New for 7,000 CZK
Package of 13 entries
discounted package of 13 entrances, including nutrition counseling and diagnosis of body proportions
New for 15,000 CZK